Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Ecosystem Wallet?

An ecosystem wallet is a managed in-app wallet service that allows you to create a branded wallet and login system, manage your partners, and allow any number of partners to spin up in-app wallets. End users that create in-app wallets through your partner applications (either with email, phone number, passkey, or socials) will receive one account and wallet address that they can access across the entire ecosystem.

How do Ecosystem Wallets work?

Ecosystem Wallets are a fully managed and containerized in-app wallet backend service that is white labeled to your application. You can learn more about how we’ve built our in-app wallet services in our How It Works guide. By giving you access to this backend service, you can power any application with in-app wallets just like thirdweb does for over 70,000 developers.

What is the difference between default and prompted wallet signing?

Default: Wallet signing settings default to signless interactions, meaning developers can sign on behalf of their end users. This enables signless sessions, similar to thirdweb's in-app wallet functionality.

Prompted: Users will be prompted to sign any messages sent by the developer, including approvals and transactions. This is similar with any externally owned account like Metamask.

What is an Ecosystem Partner?

Ecosystem partners are games or applications that you have permissioned to spin up in-app wallets underneath your brand. They will have access to the same account (funds, assets, etc.) for any end users that 1) use your branded login system or 2) log in with your wallet.

You can manage ecosystem partners in the Permissions tab of your Ecosystem Wallet dashboard.

Which login providers can display my Ecosystem Wallet?

thirdweb Connect, with WalletConnect and any wagmi- or viem-based login providers coming soon.

How can Partners integrate my Ecosystem Wallet?

Partners can integrate your Ecosystem Wallet in three different ways:

Login System

Partners can install thirdweb SDK and use the Partner ID you created for them to display your branded sign in flow. All login options in this sign in flow will create an in-app wallet.

Branded Wallet Connector

Partners can add your wallet as a wallet connector option in their existing sign in flow on any domains they've whitelisted by calling the follow endpoint from their application.

WalletConnect (Coming Soon)

Partners using WalletConnect will automatically display your wallet as a WalletConnect option on any domains they've whitelisted.

What is the difference between Anyone and Allowlist scopes for Ecosystem Wallet?

The Anyone scope allows any developer to integrate your ecosystem wallet, even if you have not given them permission. Any developer with thirdweb Connect, for example, would now display your wallet as a login option.

The Allowlist scope allows developers that you have explicitly added to your list of Partners to display your wallet as a login option.

You can manage scope in the Permissions tab of your Ecosystem Wallet dashboard.

How does billing work for Ecosystem Wallets?

As the ecosystem admin, you will be billed $250 monthly for your Ecosystem Wallet. This allows any application or game in your ecosystem generate in-app wallets. Each month, we allow you and your ecosystem partners to generate 30,000 wallets for free. Once you’ve generated 30,000 wallets, you will be charged $0.02 per in-app wallet. At the end of each month, we will provide you with an invoice with a usage breakdown across all partners.